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Strike or Spare?

I only know of two sports that uses the word strike. That’s bowling and baseball. In bowling getting a strike is a good thing. In baseball getting a strike is not a good thing.

In our country, the word strike doesn’t have a sports-related retention in our minds. It has a complaint-related memory trigger. Is that a good thing? I don’t know…how many strikes do we have in a decade? If anyone can collect those statistics then we can derive that they are the reason why strikes in our country are considered a “household name”.

Today I got to read some pages on a book about Business Communication at Work. It said there that to send the same correspondence to more than one person, you have to use memo format. So let’s try that. Let’s pretend I am the one writing the memo to be distributed to many people at work. Here goes…

—- Memo starts here —-
To: Decision Makers
From: Me
Subject: Public Transportation Providers and Policies

In my younger years as a decision-maker, I was privileged enough to prepare and view a master plan for our country. This master plan included a 20 to 30 year plan for development of our country’s infrastructure, policies, and general economy. I, young as I was, was very impressed with the content of that master plan. For it included a future that was based on a holistic approach to development that involved a lot of planning, preparation and implementation as opposed to a temporary fix to appease frantic nerves. The master plan was not restricted by the number of years a certain official would hold office. It was designed to be planned, prepared and implemented regardless of who was and is in office. However, this master plan was thrown away with the change of leadership during the revolution in one of the areas where the issue we shall discuss is most prominent.

The transport strike we have experienced today is one of many that we have gone through for the past decade alone. Such an occurrence should and could have been avoided if addressed in the proper manner.  The methods which we use to communicate with each other to reach a compromise or a method of arbitration should be our concern. For without such methods of communication, this incident shall recur and have accumulated repercussions on the public and the private sectors.

As decision makers, we should put together teams of problem solvers that would discuss the issue for a more holistic approach to problem solving, preferably with these people having a copy of the original 20 to 30 year master plan to read and refer to;
1) Team A: Those that do not have any financial attachments to those who are in government and those who are in the private sector with regards to this issue, with the following qualities:

a) knowledgeable of all main and side streets in the different congested cities and towns, most especially the alternate roads that may be used to reach any destination. Navigation and Driving Apps assistance may be used but only as confirmation of knowledge of person(s) in this team. They shall devise a nationwide time-sensitive route to decongest and/or manage traffic flow to and from the areas that are frequented on specific times of the day, e.g. schools, government buildings, big commercial centers ;

b) knowledgeable of fluctuation of prices of fuel and energy used by the public transport sector, the effects on their profits wherein all the costs of owning a public utility vehicle are reflected;

c) content writers that can simplify the most technical of terminologies for laymen to understand, to aid in the passing of messages between teams and other decision makers;

d) representatives of the legal sector for the laying out of all the policies that had affected, is affecting and would affect public transport vehicles, wherein they would make sure that there are no loopholes in the rules that are existing and to be written;

e) representatives of the science and technology sector for the laying out of existing and potential infrastructure, optimized routes for the purpose of fuel and maintenance savings, collection of statistical data on the various methods used before to address the traffic congestion problems and their results, statistical data on the existing and projected population of certain areas with regards to residence and work for a 20 to 30 year span, statistical data on the growth of residential, industrial and commercial sectors for a 20 to 30 year span. Such data shall be used to determine a projected traffic flow and increase in public utility vehicle supply within a 20 to 30 year span ;

f) a group of researchers that would look into other countries’ approach to solving their public transport issues to help determine which solutions are realistically adaptable and/or applicable to our country;

g) a group of people who would do the computations for P & L , development costing of the various needs of this approach and possible research on sources of funding for the approved solutions for implementation;

h) a group of people who are able to identify which existing officials are fit for the position of decision maker and leader for the various aspects of planning, preparation and implementation

2) Team B: Those that have any financial attachments to those who are in government and those who are in the private sector with regards to this issue, with the same qualities as above:

3) Team C: A group of people proven to be objective in their decision making that would collaborate Team A and Team B’s reports. The collaborative report would be used as a basis on which has a more realistic approach to solving the issue. This is with regards to a 20 to 30 year planning-to-implementation plan. They shall use the previously created 20 to 30 year master plan, derive parallelisms, then prepare and present a 20 to 30 year master plan for approval of implementation by existing officials;

These are the approaches to our development of solutions for the current public transport issues. I personally do not believe that throwing away the concept of entrepreneurship by forcing the creation of fleets is a long-term solution beneficial to our country. We should continue to uphold the balance between encouraging and protecting entrepreneurial ventures in the same way we encourage the growth and protection of the corporate sector. These approaches are not solely for those who have held the transport strike today. These approaches should be a precedent and eventually a standard in developing public transportation policies whatever kind of public transportation vehicle it is.

Nominations to these positions should be made before the end of this month by both the government and private sectors.  These teams should be put together before the end of the next month, November. Briefing should begin before the end of the year and planning and actual implementation of the planning phase should be made by the first quarter of next year and preferably completed by the end of next year.

We shall work towards building a future that is best for our country and people using the current structure that we have. We shall not change our country’s structures without the proper planning and transparency that our people deserve. We shall not destroy our roots to create a new country. We shall improve on what we already have and continuously work towards more improvements over time regardless of who sits in office. By planning for the long-term, we would be better able to provide a future that relies on collaborative intelligence and effort for the development of our country.




—- Memo ends here —-


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