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Guarding Life

As the summer vacation is almost done with its first month, I didn’t think we would be able to go out of town and spend a few days at the beach. And when we did, I was ecstatic! For nothing can overshadow something as bright as the sun over cool wavy waters.

Except for one thing.
The lack of lifeguards in many of our country’s beaches.

As soon as we got to the shore, I looked around and found not even a single lifeguard at a beach with so many people. Which saddened me because we’ve been to other beaches before but some of them had a lifeguard somehow.  Though they didn’t look like lifeguards because they didn’t have the usual paraphernalia that we see on TV. But at least they had a chair and a shirt that said “Lifeguard”, so somehow, you would know it was them.

We seldom think that we need these people, but we do. The problem is, who is going to pay for their salaries? Hardly think it would be the local authorities. Hardly think they would have the budget for it. So I wondered if it would be possible for the various business owners, from resorts to restaurants to souvenir shops, at the beaches, pitch in some moolah for the salaries of lifeguards for their beaches.

After all, a commercialized beachfront that shows that it has the necessary people needed to keep its guests safe would surely be more attractive. It would be like the association fees in residential villages, where they all pitch in to pay for the security guards’ salaries, only this time they would be paying for the lifeguard’s salaries. Someone from any of the surrounding business owners could donate a pair of floaters, a chair, a big umbrella, a megaphone, and possibly a sign saying “Lifeguard”.

Another thing that would be really nice would be a cordoned area for the children to stay in. Because young children can be taught to stay within the safe cordoned area and we know that they would always follow. As compared to the open expanse of the sea that they could easily run to and just as easily be swept away by the current. A cordoned area could be made of reused old unusable for fishing, fishing nets with colored plastic balls at the top.

There are a lot of things that could be done and improved when people work together and share their resources. If the businesses at the various beachfronts would build a community that would ensure that they are guarding the lives of their guests, then surely more guests would come and visit and feel safe. It doesn’t have to be expensive. Imagine having several dozen businesses pitching in a small amount for the salary of a couple of lifeguards, would be like feeding a whole crowd with just a few pieces of fish and bread from your own pocket. And if those lifeguards get a job because of the community, then those lifeguards would surely make sure they guard the lives of the guests very well and refer each and every business at the beachfront that pays for their salaries.

Then when their beachfronts are shown in some documentary or special feature, everyone would know that they have a safe place for guests to go to. And that’s a suggestion for long-term strategic marketing while doing social responsibility.


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