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To Be or Not Be Caged Continued

I didn’t finish the previous blog entry with something constructive or positive but with a hanging question. Because my intention was to continue it with this entry.

Of all the clauses in the Human Rights series, this is the clause that I think does the most damage. It is the only one that would put all the other clauses as a secondary concern. Why? Because when a person is caged, whether it be arbitrary or justifiably, the person loses the freedom to fight for all the other clauses of Human Rights. For the person would be contained in a cell that strips him/her the ability to be completely capable of fighting and winning with the use of all possible options.

This goes for both adults and minors. For even minors are also caged in institutions where they are to undergo correction of their juvenile delinquency tendencies should they do some. And there lies the biggest problem of all that I can see.

As with any kind of law, generations upon generations of humans would always be confused on which ones have the final say or the topmost authority to hand down decisions that would either strip them of all their freedom, or give them their freedom.

How so?

I myself wonder, if I did something wrong or someone else did something wrong to me, who should I approach first? Those who implement the law, or those who made the law? Why do I wonder? Because it was never taught to me when I was in school. And as an adult, I never had the gumption to find out because it would require a lot of time to research answers like these.

For example, as to these Human Rights clauses, in which countries are these applicable? What if the country I am in does not have laws with regards to the clause that I cite as having been violated? Do I have the right to make them enforce my right or do I succumb to their laws that doesn’t have provisions for the human rights clause that I know has been violated?

For a more concrete scenario, if someone placed a submersible surveillance device inside the pipes right outside of my residence that would record each and every sound made within the surrounding area and data transferred through our wifi, that would be a violation of multiple Human Rights clauses. But what if the country I am in does not have laws that would punish people who place such surveillance devices within a specific radius of a private residence? Could I cite the Human Rights clause as reason enough to seek for punishment for the person or people who violated my rights in this manner?

We strive to make the world an orderly place to live in by making laws that would protect us both on the macro and the micro level. But now that I am aware of these things that I write about from the books that I read because I am bored with my life as a parent and housewife, I start to see those that need to be mentioned as significant enough to possibly garner some attention for eventual further study or improvements. Simply said, is there an existing hierarchical chart that shows which offices and groups are the subordinate of the other from an international perspective to the national level. So that when a wrong is done, we as common folk would be able to know which office or group to run to and/or which offce or group’s laws overpowers the other, and/or vouches for the lack of the other.

It also wouldn’t hurt to teach such things to the present and succeeding generations. For as our gadgets allow us to communicate with just about anyone in the world at any point in time, then I believe it would be more helpful to know  which office or group protects us at each particular point in time and with every universal action. I say universal because with everything that is displayed or transferred through the Internet, it would  be great to know to whom I would be accountable to and whom I can make others accountable to.

Here’s another example, if there was a hacker who penetrated all the online stores on the Internet and stole a cent from every item sold from all those stores, and a cent from each credit card that was used to make the purchases to these stores, to which country’s laws would that hacker be accountable to? Where would that person be caged if he/she hacked online stores from each existing country? As to all those people whom he/she stole from, which country and office would they file their complaints and which processes should they adhere to sue the hacker?

It’s pretty much the same as having a child decide which authoritative figure to succumb to when they are all authoritative figures in the child’s mind. What if the child lives with the parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles who all have a say in the child’s growth and disciplining, and the child makes a mistake that needs to be corrected? Is the child informed that only the parents are allowed to discipline the child? Or are the other personalities allowed to discipline the child too? If only the parents, which parent has the last say if they do not have the same methods for disciplining the child? If all of them are allowed to discipline the child, what is the hierarchy of authority in disciplining? Can they interfere at any time one of them is disciplining the child? Or do they wait for their turn? Or do they escalate the disciplining to one another in an orderly and civilized manner? Is each allowed to discipline the child in their own way or do they talk about the agreed common disciplinary methods to use?

One of the few parallelisms that I can identify between disciplining a child within a family, and disciplining a criminal within a society.

For if we only concern ourselves with reaching people from just about anywhere, but do not address the issues that might arise with such actions on a macro and micro level, then eventually chaos would enter the small and big picture. And when that happens, then we have not elevated ourselves to a higher civilization, but have relegated ourselves to returning to being the animals that we are so trying to make civilized.


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