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Breeder or Doer

Powerful women doesn’t necessarily mean you have to have a powerful title, or super rich, or have an incredible position at work. To me, it means you have authority over something, not everything, just something.

How do I think this is done?
By choosing to be a Breeder or a Doer.

Being a Breeder means you choose to be an authority in molding others to become powerful.
Being a Doer means you choose to be the authority in something yourself.

How does it work?
Many women are mothers. To many it’s just a house thingy. But if you choose to become a breeder you can mold your whole family, that means whoever lives inside your house, to become powerful. You can encourage them to pursue their goals. You can help them start something and see to it that they finish what they started. You can help them win in competitions in school and outside school groups. You can embed in them values that they would bring with them until adulthood and return to whenever they accidentally go astray.

Many women are various types of educators. Educators are also breeders. You can mold your students, trainees, subordinates, proteges to become powerful. To pursue fields of education and learning that they would otherwise be afraid to pursue. You can make them “influencers” of other students to learn and excel and exceed their own expectations of themselves. You can encourage them and mentor them to compete and win in competitions. You can prepare them to be productive members of society.

Many women are professionals. That makes you a doer. You make things happen. You lead people or help various types of leaders excel and be effective in their work. You help create, design, launch, and maintain economies.

Can you be both Breeder and Doer?
Yes, many have done it. But it is not an easy thing to do. And you should also set aside any illusions of becoming an overnight sensation and staying as a sensation forever without hard work. Which means you have to continually study and learn how to be a sensation. You have to continually practice being a sensation. But most of all, you have to be aware of one very basic thing.

You have to know your limits.
For there would come a time when breeder and doer roles would clash against each other and you would be made to make a hard choice on which to prioritize. And when that time comes, one role would be chosen and the other set aside. That is the reality of it.

For those who had working mothers when they were children, try to think of a time when your mother missed one of your important events because she had work to attend to. Then place yourself in your mother’s shoes. If you were given the same choice what would you choose? When you get to answer that question, then you have helped yourself become aware of your limits.

Personally, I would prefer to have a robotic body where I need not sleep or eat or do any other usual bodily functions the way normal bodies do. Why? Because if I didn’t need to rest or eat then I would have more time for everything I want to do. But it’s not realistic. And being realistic helps a person become aware of their limits. Then you become better in what you are good at.

Don’t forget the paperwork. As paperwork has one of the greatest powers a person could ever wield. When you read books or any other form of reading materials, you encourage other people to read too. When you write letters and other correspondence using the correct spelling and grammar instead of the usual text messaging format, you encourage others to follow the correct manner of communicating with each other. When you keep tabs of what you own and are organized with your filing system in both printed materials and computer files, you encourage other people to be conscious and conscientious about their assets and orderliness. When you are diligent about doing your math, you encourage others to do the same. And when you encourage others to do all these, you become movers of various levels and types of economies.

Here is a very simple example.
Try to visit the house of a person who is rich.
Then try to visit the house of a person who is poor.
And then try to visit the house of a middle income person.

Whose house is cleanest and the most organized and with very little clutter?
So that’s how you start. Start small. Organize and clean your home.
It’s not easy because someone would always mess it up.
So try to establish a system of cleaning and organizing.
Then implement it. Then see if you can maintain it regularly. If you slip, try and try again to follow a regular schedule.

From there try to establish a plan for being a Doer.
What do you want to be as Doer?
It’s easy to dream big, but I suggest you start to dream small. Then try to see if you are wholehearted enough to make it grow bigger slowly. Decide for how long you can stick to doing it and include it in your plans.
Then when something comes along the way that would seem to delay your plans or even wreck them, try to add them into your schedule and make the necessary adjustments to your plans. Then practice repeatedly, keep on reading on stuff to make you better at what you do.

But don’t forget that when you make all your plans, there is a factor to consider and be included no matter what. That you are a woman whose productivity could be hampered by monthly periods, pregnancy and childbirth, menopause, and all the hormonal effects that come with them. And although you want to be the best Breeder or Doer, you have to include in your schedule physical, emotional and psychological changes that would be caused by these. These are limits you have to always be aware of no matter what.

Don’t ever feel inadequate or guilty that you are less productive because of these normal physical changes. For even men have their own normal physical changes that affect their productivity. But I’ll write about that some other time.

You really can be anything you want to be, but it’s not easy. Though if you really want it, you can be it or you can have it. And if you want to neither be a Breeder or a Doer, that’s okay too. Then you become the one who supports the Breeder or the Doer, by being a follower.

Don’t expect immediate results. It takes time and a lot of hard work before you could actually become an authoritative figure.

Belong to where you prefer to belong to. The best way to live life as a woman.


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