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When there is a leak on the roof, and the water is dripping onto the floor you use a bucket to catch it. Because you don’t want the water to become a mess on the floor and be the cause of pain for someone who slips on it. Nor do you want the water to reach valuable things that could cause decay and rotting and loss of assets.

But if there is no leak and you use the bucket to collect water for your bodily needs, then the bucket should not have any leak and must be strong enough to withstand multiple uses.

A bucket is like any other container of liquid. It is designed to hold and carry liquid so you could bring it from one place to the other. To others it is like a glass of water. It could be either half full or half empty.

What if I were the person carrying the bucket all my life and everyone around me needs to drink from it anytime they wanted or needed to. How could I make sure that there would always be water inside for everyone to drink? How could I make sure that the water is not only for a few but for many?

I can’t.

So why even bother carrying the bucket?
Because somehow I would know deep inside I know it could still quench the thirst of some.

If someone else is carrying the bucket and I needed a drink but someone doesn’t want me to have any, I would never be able to quench my thirst and feed my bodily needs.

But when that someone else would turn the bucket upside down so it could not carry water for anyone anymore, then no one would be able to quench any kind of thirst.

How do we make decisions in life if what people want is the water inside the bucket and we hold the bucket? Do we have the right to choose who gets to drink or not? Should we control the right to choose who gets to drink or not?

I believe there is fairness in life when the one holding and carrying the bucket is objective enough to choose when to keep the bucket upright or upside down. But who is objective enough to make that kind of decision? Who is objective enough to look not at who you are but what you need?

Naye, there is no such thing as ideal objectivity when it comes to this.
Yet there is fairness in an upturned bucket. For it can be used to teach a lesson to those who abuse their accessibility and privileges to the bucket.

When I write here, it would seem I have no desire to speak my thoughts out loud.
Naye, it is but the opposite.
For when I write here, my thoughts are louder than the spoken word, for it would reach places my voice cannot. No matter how ridiculously loud I speak, enough for thousands of people to hear with a microphone or even a megaphone.

It becomes the bucket of water for people within a farther proximity that is visible to my naked eye.

But I literally have a loud voice that can wake up so many sleeping people within a wider radius than the usual. And I am not afraid to say what I want out loud.

Yet I still choose to write here. For I know when I am gone, these words can still be read by someone else for as long as the money I leave behind is enough to pay for my place here on the World Wide Web.

A bucket of water from a silent voice that is really loud in real life, posted here every once in a while.

But being told that an upturned bucket exists for the sake of fairness, is my bucket of water.

Hence I shall continue to party with my life and my bucket of water.


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